3 Benefits of a Night Routine

Whether you have a short or long nighttime routine, the consistency can still benefit your wellbeing in many ways. It can help to positively influence both your mental and physical health. 

Relaxation Nation

When you develop a strong nighttime routine, you allow yourself time to engage in the consistency of your routine. You can incorporate relaxing activities which can help you fall asleep faster as well. Examples of good methods that can decrease your stress levels include drawing a bath, lighting a candle, doing a face mask, or reading a book. 

Eliminate Brain Fog

Having a strong nightly routine can help you to feel more awake and alert in the morning. Rise Science says, “lowering your sleep debt and living in sync with your circadian rhythm can boost everything from your energy levels to your mental health to your cognitive function.” Engaging in stress-reducing activities allows you to be more in sync with your circadian rhythm. Dimming the lights for thirty minutes to an hour before you sleep can help prepare your brain for rest as your eyes adjust to the change in the lighting. You may find that with a good nightly routine, you wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to take on the day.

More Productive 

Another benefit to sticking to a schedule at night is your productivity boost. When you wake up feeling sharp and alert, you may inevitably be more productive. Instead of feeling slow and groggy, you’ll feel energized and recharged. A schedule can also help your brain to focus on one thing at a time. Good time management can help you stick to this and get your tasks done throughout the day. 

Overall, a strong nightly regimen can boost your energy levels, increase productivity and motivation, as well as relieve stress. You will find yourself sleeping better and this can benefit your patterns of sleep, ultimately decreasing any sleep disruptions.

By Virginia Shea



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