4 Benefits of Deep Breathing - Make Breathwork Your SuperPower

Breathing can often be thought of as one of the most underutilized tools people have access to when it comes to mental and physical health. Maybe the reason why is because humans are so conditioned to hustle culture, or maybe it’s because we often don’t think about how in just about every moment we are living, we are also breathing. We become so used to it that we don’t consider just how powerful it can be. Learn how to take advantage of the miraculous gift of breath, and become stronger both physically and mentally. 

Helps Reduce Stress

Practicing breathing exercises can help lower your stress levels. Breathing in deeper breaths can help increase your supply of oxygen that goes toward your brain. According to the American Institute of Stress, this technique activates the “Relaxation Response”, which helps you to get to a state of calmness. This response allows your blood pressure, rate of breathing, muscle tension and heart rate to decrease naturally. Your body’s response to these decreases in your nervous system, heart rate and muscles will be to feel more calm and relaxed. An underrated thing about breathing exercises is that they can be done just about anywhere! How incredible is that? No matter where you are, if you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or like you’re about to have a panic attack, try breathing in deep. Maybe strive to take your mind to a quiet place or your happy place. Allow yourself a few moments to relax and just focus on your breath. 

Helps With Focus 

When you take time to practice your breathing and be mindful of your breathwork, your mind becomes more relaxed. This helps you to think clearer and helps your mind to slow down and really focus on the present moment. The technique of deep breathing can even help you focus on things such as memorization and reduce brain fog. Next time you’re forgetting where you put your keys, try taking a moment to breathe in and out slowly, allowing your brain to really zone in on where they could be. 

Natural Energy

Forget about coffee and energy drinks! Breathing in and out slowly can help increase your energy levels. There are many breath techniques that can help you release endorphins. If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, think about how you feel before the class versus how you feel after the workout. Maybe you were running late, scrambling to find parking and hopping in the back of the class, frantically rolling out your yoga mat. After the class, you may feel lighter on your feet, find yourself smiling and breathing in and out that positive energy, quietly saying “namaste” to what may feel like your newfound yoga friends. You’ve spent an hour focusing on your breath, breathing in and out through every move and every sequence, allowing your mind to embrace the present moment. That right there is an excellent example of what deep breathing can do for you! On your drive home, you may feel lighter, more energetic, and more at peace with yourself. Your muscles and mind have both been absorbing that fresh oxygen you spent an hour breathing in and out. Even just a minute allowing yourself to become centered with your breath can help your body gain energy. 

Become More Mindful

Breathwork can help you to live more freely and absorb yourself into the moment at hand. Have you ever heard the quote “all we have is now”? Think about a time you were worried about something that was a week away or a time where you couldn’t stop thinking about how that past conversation went. When we do this, our mind is wandering to the past or future, and we aren’t entirely focused on the moment we are currently in. It helps to remember that worrying about the past or future will not change anything. What will change something is what we decide to do in the present moment. Live in the now! Focusing on your breath can help your mind center itself on this current moment. Whenever you find your mind getting carried away with thoughts that feel like they’re overflowing, breathwork can help take us back to the now. 

Humans are problem solvers, and it’s natural for your mind to drift to a potential problem and want to work through solving it. Our minds are incredible, powerful and beautiful things that are capable of imagining so much. However, let your mind be free, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself to be present. Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, try taking a few minutes to envision the oxygen going in and out of your body, absorbing and embracing the rhythm of the wondrous and magical gift of breathing! 

By Virginia Shea



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