Opening Doors in Your Life - 5 Simple Ways to Let Nature In

When you immerse yourself in the outdoors, you open doors that can improve both your mental and physical health. Not only are you opening doors to go outside, but opening doors in your life - Doors that can let in gratitude, mindfulness and many other psychological benefits! Extensive research shows that spending time in nature can improve your breathing, help you sleep better, and exist as a motivating factor in striving for an active lifestyle. Believe it or not, there are many simple ways in which you can spend more time outside in your day-to-day life. 

Catch Up With A Friend 

An easy way to spend time outside is to meet up with a friend and take a walk in nature. Have you ever been meaning to catch up with an old friend, but felt it difficult to find a time to grab lunch or dinner? Going for a walk is an easy way to reconnect with friends and reconnect with nature! Whether you decide to meet to watch the sunset in your local park or take a stroll before work in a neighborhood, you will find that it’s a beneficial way to stay in touch with your people and the outdoor world surrounding you. 

Eat Lunch Outside 

Even if you only have a quick hour-long lunch break, sneaking outside to snack can help you feel like you’re truly catching a break from being stuck inside behind a desk. You could drive to a green space near your office or search for outdoor dining near you. If there’s a particular view you really enjoy, you could drive over and enjoy your lunch there. Don’t forget that park benches are meant to be sat on - Go enjoy it and breathe in the outdoor air! 

Portable Workout Classes 

If you’re struggling to find a time to be in nature, try taking your workout class outdoors! This option can also be more affordable. You can search any class you’d like to do online, whether it be a five minute HIT workout or an hour-long yoga class. Bring it with you to your backyard or a park nearby. You can lay out a mat and save money by skipping the workout studio. This will give you a chance to immerse yourself in nature, while also immersing yourself in pilates, ab workouts or whatever you choose. If you enjoy running, you could also find a route outside that you enjoy and start tracking your runs outside! 

Take A Breather 

You may find yourself in the midst of an extremely busy or stressful week. In this case, it’s important to remember to take breaks and not be too hard on yourself. Allow yourself time to step outside and breathe for a moment. You could play a short meditation podcast, listen to a song or just be mindful of the environment surrounding you. Whatever it might be, even small breaks like this can help you to be more observant of your surroundings and more aware of the present moment. These small steps outside can also help increase your focus and lower your stress levels. 

Take Your Work With You

Whether you have an assignment due soon, a zoom meeting to attend or a lecture to watch, you can opt to take your computer with you outside. If you’re having trouble with the sun reflecting off your screen, you could also look for some shade to sit in, or if you have a porch, try working there. There’s often outdoor seating at local libraries or coffee shops that allow you to be productive outside. This way you can get all that you need to get done while still catching vitamin D! 

There are many advantages to spending time in Mother Nature, regardless of how you do it. Even in the midst of a hectic day, stepping outside can increase your mental and physical wellness. Open up your doors, let nature in, and see just how much your life can bloom and blossom in front of you!

By Virginia Shea


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